5 Main Types of Dental Fillings for Cavities

5 Main Types of Dental Fillings for Cavities

If you have a cavity in one or several teeth, the next thing you’d have to do is consider the different types of dental fillings to prevent the problem from escalating. After a visit to the dentist with a tooth cavity issue, they can suggest several types of material...
5 Main Types of Dental Fillings for Cavities

Coronavirus impact on Dental Industry

Among the many industries that have been impacted by the global coronavirus pandemic is the dental industry. The dental industry suffers a direct impact. When one is infected by the coronavirus, the virus starts multiplying in the mouth and throat. The numbers of the...



282 Elm Street
Amesbury, MA 01913

Office Hours

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Tuesday: 8AM- 5PM

Wednesday: 8AM - 5PM

Thursday: 8AM- 5PM

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